function subplot(args) ******************************************************* ** Usage: run mx my nw opt ** Creating an axes in the nw-th pane ** of a figure divided into an mx-by-my ** matrix of rectangular panes ** ******************************************************* mx=subwrd(args,1) my=subwrd(args,2) nw=subwrd(args,3) opt=subwrd(args,4) if (opt='') opt=0 endif * Portrait x=8.5, y=11 & LandScape x=11,y=8.5 if (opt=1) say 'This function will create 'mx' by 'my' subplots with a layout of Portrait' Xpage=8.5 Ypage=11.0 else say 'This function will create 'mx' by 'my' subplots with a layout of Landscape' Xpage=11.0 Ypage=8.5 endif ML=0.25 MT=0.25 SX=(Xpage-2*ML)/mx SY=(Ypage-2*MT)/my nx=math_fmod(nw,mx) ny=math_int(nw/mx)+1 if (nx=0) nx=mx ny=ny-1 endif xmin=ML+(nx-1)*SX+0.02*SX xmax=ML+(nx-1)*SX+0.98*SX ymin=SY*my+MT-(ny-1)*SY-0.98*SY ymax=SY*my+MT-(ny-1)*SY-0.02*SY 'set vpage 'xmin' 'xmax' 'ymin' 'ymax |
Monday, August 25, 2008
subplot for GrADS
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Download files automatically from ftp site
After Run the first batch file, we got ftp.cfg as follows:
@echo off @echo EmailAddress echo Open FTPAdress>ftp.cfg echo User USERNAME>>ftp.cfg echo PASSWORD >>ftp.cfg echo binary >>ftp.cfg echo cd /datadir/ >>ftp.cfg echo cd F08 >>ftp.cfg echo cd MONTHLY >>ftp.cfg set b=08 for /L %%a in (1989,1,1991) DO call subget %%a %b% echo cd ..>>ftp.cfg echo cd..>ftp.cfg echo cd F11 >>ftp.cfg echo cd MONTHLY >>ftp.cfg set b=11 for /L %%a in (1991,1,1995) DO call subget %%a %b% echo cd ..>>ftp.cfg echo cd..>>ftp.cfg echo cd F13 >>ftp.cfg echo cd MONTHLY >>ftp.cfg set b=13 for /L %%a in (1995,1,2006) DO call subget %%a %b% echo cd ..>>ftp.cfg echo cd..>>ftp.cfg echo bye >>ftp.cfg cls ftp -n -s: "ftp.cfg" > Download_log.txt |
echo cd %1 >>ftp.cfg echo get f%2-%1-tnn-00.tar>>ftp.cfg echo get f%2-%1-tnn-05.tar>>ftp.cfg echo get f%2-%1-tnn-10.tar>>ftp.cfg echo get f%2-%1-tnn-15.tar>>ftp.cfg echo cd ..>>ftp.cfg |
After Run the first batch file, we got ftp.cfg as follows:
Open **.**.**.** User Name **@** binary cd ***** cd F08 cd MONTHLY cd 1989 get f08-1989-tnn-00.tar get f08-1989-tnn-05.tar get f08-1989-tnn-10.tar get f08-1989-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 1990 get f08-1990-tnn-00.tar get f08-1990-tnn-05.tar get f08-1990-tnn-10.tar get f08-1990-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 1991 get f08-1991-tnn-00.tar get f08-1991-tnn-05.tar get f08-1991-tnn-10.tar get f08-1991-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd .. cd .. cd F11 cd MONTHLY cd 1991 get f11-1991-tnn-00.tar get f11-1991-tnn-05.tar get f11-1991-tnn-10.tar get f11-1991-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 1992 get f11-1992-tnn-00.tar get f11-1992-tnn-05.tar get f11-1992-tnn-10.tar get f11-1992-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 1993 get f11-1993-tnn-00.tar get f11-1993-tnn-05.tar get f11-1993-tnn-10.tar get f11-1993-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 1994 get f11-1994-tnn-00.tar get f11-1994-tnn-05.tar get f11-1994-tnn-10.tar get f11-1994-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 1995 get f11-1995-tnn-00.tar get f11-1995-tnn-05.tar get f11-1995-tnn-10.tar get f11-1995-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd .. cd .. cd F13 cd MONTHLY cd 1995 get f13-1995-tnn-00.tar get f13-1995-tnn-05.tar get f13-1995-tnn-10.tar get f13-1995-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 1996 get f13-1996-tnn-00.tar get f13-1996-tnn-05.tar get f13-1996-tnn-10.tar get f13-1996-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 1997 get f13-1997-tnn-00.tar get f13-1997-tnn-05.tar get f13-1997-tnn-10.tar get f13-1997-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 1998 get f13-1998-tnn-00.tar get f13-1998-tnn-05.tar get f13-1998-tnn-10.tar get f13-1998-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 1999 get f13-1999-tnn-00.tar get f13-1999-tnn-05.tar get f13-1999-tnn-10.tar get f13-1999-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 2000 get f13-2000-tnn-00.tar get f13-2000-tnn-05.tar get f13-2000-tnn-10.tar get f13-2000-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 2001 get f13-2001-tnn-00.tar get f13-2001-tnn-05.tar get f13-2001-tnn-10.tar get f13-2001-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 2002 get f13-2002-tnn-00.tar get f13-2002-tnn-05.tar get f13-2002-tnn-10.tar get f13-2002-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 2003 get f13-2003-tnn-00.tar get f13-2003-tnn-05.tar get f13-2003-tnn-10.tar get f13-2003-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 2004 get f13-2004-tnn-00.tar get f13-2004-tnn-05.tar get f13-2004-tnn-10.tar get f13-2004-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 2005 get f13-2005-tnn-00.tar get f13-2005-tnn-05.tar get f13-2005-tnn-10.tar get f13-2005-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd 2006 get f13-2006-tnn-00.tar get f13-2006-tnn-05.tar get f13-2006-tnn-10.tar get f13-2006-tnn-15.tar cd .. cd .. cd .. bye |
Bash shell demo
#!/bin/bash # function to convert the reference in alert letter from AGU to Endnote # Usage A2S FileName # sed '/^$/d' $1 > $1.temp sed 's/^[ \t]*//' $1.temp > $1 sed 'n;n;n;n;n;d;' $1 > $1.temp mv $1.temp $1 Nline=$( wc -l $1 | awk '{print $1}' ) Nfile=$( expr $[ $Nline + 1 ] / 5 ) # let "Nfile = $Nfile / 5" or Nfile=$[ $Nfile / 5 ] Nfs=1 while [ ${Nfs} -le ${Nfile} ] do SCHfile=scholar${Nfs}.enw if [ -e $SCHfile ] then echo "$SCHfile exist!" echo "Going on anyway or not [y/n]" read YesNo case $YesNo in y | Y ) # or [y,Y]) rm -f $SCHfile ;; n | N) echo 'Convert aborted!' exit ;; esac fi touch $SCHfile echo '%0 Journal Article' > $SCHfile Topic=$( sed -n "$( expr $Nfs \* 5 - 3 )p" $1) echo "%T $Topic" >> $SCHfile Ln=$( expr $Nfs \* 5 - 4 ) NumName=$( sed -n "${Ln}p" $1 | awk -F\; '{print NF }') Ns=0 echo "NumName is $NumName" while [ $Ns -lt $NumName ] do Ns=$( expr $Ns + 1 ) Name=$(sed -n "${Ln}p" $1 | awk -F\; '{print $NL}' NL=$Ns ) echo "%A $Name" >> $SCHfile done Ln=$( expr $Ln + 2 ) Jname=$( sed -n "${Ln}p" $1 | awk -F, '{print $1}') Vnum=$( sed -n "${Ln}p" $1 | awk -F, '{print $2}' | awk '{print $2}') Nnum=$( sed -n "${Ln}p" $1 | awk -F, '{print $3}' | awk '{print $2}') Pnum=$( sed -n "${Ln}p" $1 | awk -F, '{print $4}') Nyear=$( sed -n "$[ $Ln + 2 ]p" $1 | awk '{print $3}') Uname=$( sed -n "$[ $Ln + 1 ]p" $1 ) echo "%J $Jname" >> $SCHfile echo "%V $Vnum" >> $SCHfile echo "%N $Nnum" >> $SCHfile echo "%P $Pnum" >> $SCHfile echo "%D $Nyear" >> $SCHfile echo "%U $Uname" >> $SCHfile Nfs=$( expr $Nfs + 1 ) done |
'If you copy or distribute this script without any change except the copyright 'information, please let me know. If you are interested and find a lot of fun or 'bugs in it, please contact with me. It's my pleasure to make friends with 'everyone. 'Copyright: Sub Main 'Open the application and get it visible Dim GrapherApp As Object On Error Resume Next 'Turn off error reporting. Set SurferApp = GetObject(,"Grapher.Application") If Err.Number<>0 Then Set GrapherApp = CreateObject("Grapher.Application") End If On Error GoTo 0 'Turn on error reporting. GrapherApp.Visible = True ' set up the canvas Dim Docs As Object Set Docs = GrapherApp.Documents Dim Plot As Object Set Plot = Docs.Add(grfPlotDoc) Plot.PageSetup.pageSize=grfA4 'grfA4Small for small A4 Plot.NewWindow.PageUnits = grfCentimeters Dim Shapes As Object Set Shapes = Plot.Shapes ' Control of the x-limit and y-limit of the axes, change it if needed, ' here all are the same for the figures in one page xxMax=0.8 xxMin=0 yyMax=60 yyMin=0 ' %%%%%%% DO NOT USE RELATIVE PATH HERE %%%%%% DataPath="D:\Program Files\Golden Software\Grapher5\Scripter\" FigXlen=8 ' cm FigYlen=4.5 ' cm ' Open files and draw lines For Nfig=1 To 10 Step 1 '############################################# ' Change it if needed, Assumption: ' Data file is "data01.txt, data02.txt ... data10.txt" ' Add text here is "101, 102, .... 110" '############################################# fn = Str$(Nfig+100) Filename = DataPath + "data" + Right(fn,2) +".txt" AddText=fn Set Graph1 = Shapes.AddLinePlotGraph(FileName,2,1) Nhalf=Int((Nfig+1)/2) With Graph1 .top=29.7-1-(Nhalf-1)*FigYlen*1.15 .height=FigYlen .Left=FigXlen*( (Nfig+1) Mod 2 )* 1.2 .width=FigYlen End With Set LinePlot1 =Graph1.Plots.Item(1) Set LinePlot1.line.foreColor=grfColorRed Set Axesplot1 =Graph1.Axes Set xAX1=Axesplot1(1) Set yAx1=Axesplot1(2) 'Set the limit of x-axis Set xAx1.AutoMax = False Set xAx1.AutoMin = False Set xAx1.Max=xxMax Set xAX1.Min=xxMin ' set the mod of y-axis Set yAX1.Descending=True Set Graph2 = Shapes.AddLinePlotGraph(FileName,3,1) With Graph2 .top = 29.7-1-(Nhalf-1)*FigYlen*1.15 .height=FigYlen .Left =1+ FigXlen*( (Nfig+1) Mod 2 )* 1.2 .width=FigYlen End With Set LinePlot2 =Graph2.Plots.Item(1) Set LinePlot2.line.foreColor=grfColorBlue Set Axesplot2 =Graph2.Axes Set xAX2=Axesplot2(1) Set yAX2=Axesplot2(2) Set xAX2.AutoMax = False Set xAx2.Max=xxMax Set xAX2.Min=xxMin Set Axesplot2(2).Descending=True Set xAx1.length=Figxlen 'xxleng Set xAx2.length=Figxlen 'xxleng Set yAx1.length=Figylen 'yyleng Set yAx2.length=FigYlen yypos=yAx2.yPos yxpos=yAx2.xPos yyleng=yAx2.length xxpos=xAx2.xPos xypos=xAx2.yPos xxleng=xAx2.length Set xAx1.length=xxleng Set xAx2.length=xxleng Set yAx1.length=yyleng Set yAx1.yPos=yypos Set yAx1.xPos=yxpos Set xAx1.xPos=xxpos Set xAx1.yPos=xypos ' Add x-label and y-label If Nfig<=8 Then Set xAX1.TickLabels.MajorOn = False Set xAX2.TickLabels.MajorOn=False Else Set xAX1.title.text="Attenuation Coefficient ( /m )" End If If Nfig Mod 2 <>0 Then Set yAx1.title.text="Depth ( m )" Else Set yAx1.TickLabels.MajorOn = False Set yAx2.TickLabels.MajorOn = False End If Set yAxAdd=Graph1.AddAxis(grfYAxis) Set yAxAdd.xPos= yxpos + xxleng Set yAxAdd.yPos= yypos Set yAxAdd.length=yyleng Set yAxAdd.Descending=True Set yAxAdd.AutoMax=False Set yAxAdd.Max=yyMax Set yAxAdd.TickLabels.MajorOn = False Set xAxAdd=Graph1.AddAxis(grfXAxis) Set xAxAdd.xPos=xxpos Set xAxAdd.yPos= yypos + yyleng Set xAxAdd.length=xxleng Set xAxAdd.Descending=True Set xAxAdd.AutoMax=False Set xAxAdd.Max=xxMax Set xAxAdd.Min=xxMin Set xAxAdd.TickLabels.MajorOn = False 'add text Set text_data = Shapes.AddText(yxpos+xxleng*0.8,xypos+yyleng*0.2,AddText) Next Nfig ''quit the application 'GrapherApp.Quit() End Sub |
' Copyright: '曾经几次试图看 Surfer 脚本的写法,总是没有动力地夭折了。终于逮住个机会完整地看了一个。再实践操作了几遍,也算入了门了。 '第一步启动Surfer Sub main Dim SurferApp As Object Dim Doc As Object Dim Plotwindow As Object Dim ContourMapFrame As Object Dim ContourMap As Object Set SurferApp = CreateObject("Surfer.Application") SurferApp.Visible=True '第二步数据导入处理: path="D:\Program Files\Golden Software\Surfer8\test" Infile1= path + "1.dat" OutFile1= path + "1.grd" retValue = SurferApp.GridData(DataFile:=InFile1, xCol:=1, yCol:=2, zCol:=zlist, _ Algorithm:=srfKriging, ShowReport:=False, OutGrid:=OutFile1) '第三步打开绘图窗口: Set Doc = SurferApp.Documents.Add(srfDocPlot) Set Plotwindow=Doc.Windows(1) Plotwindow.AutoRedraw = False Set ContourMapFrame =Doc.Shapes.AddContourMap(OutFile1) Set ContourMap = ContourMapFrame.Overlays(1) '修改部分属性: ContourMap.FillContours = True ContourMap.ShowColorScale = False ContourMap.SmoothContours = srfConSmoothMed ContourMap.BlankFill.Pattern = "Water" ContourMap.BlankFill.ForeColor = srfColorOrange ContourMap.BlankFill.BackColor = srfColorWhite '等等 '第四步:输出图象,退出Surfer OutFig= path + "aa.gif" Doc.Export(filename:=outfig,Options:="Width=800, Height=600") Plotwindow.Close SurferApp.Quit End Sub 其它属性以及功能可以参考help文件进行添加修改,可以做的事情还是很多的,语法基本上与vb一样。 |
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