function mystrcel=num2strcell(mynum,GFmat) % to convert a numeric array into a string cell % usage: % mystrcel=num2strcell(YouNumArray,Digit.Format); % e.g., mystrcel=num2strcell(0.1:0.1:0.5,'%3.2f'); % copyright by [nrow,ncol]=size(mynum); for nj=1:nrow for ni=1:ncol mystrcel{nj,ni}=num2str(mynum(nj,ni),GFmat); end end |
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
read netcdf file using native matlab functions
UPDATED VERSION: Here function ncvardata=GetNcVarMatlab(ncfile,ncvar,RangeStr) % to read data from the netcdf file using native matlab netcdf-functions % Usage: vardata=GetNcVarMatlab(nc-filename,nc-varname,Dimension-Range) % e.g., % mydata=GetNcVarMatlab('','tmask','1:1,1:46,1:400,1:568'); % RangeStr here is similar to the output of ncdump % copyright by IsDebug=0; if ~exist(ncfile,'file') error([ncfile,' can not been found']); return end,'NC_NOWRITE'); % get dimension length [numdims, numvars, numglobalatts, unlimdimID] = netcdf.inq(ncfid); for NDim=1:numdims [dimname{NDim}, dimlen(NDim)] = netcdf.inqDim(ncfid,NDim-1); end %var infor varid=netcdf.inqVarID(ncfid,ncvar); [varname,varxtype,vardimids,varnumatts]=netcdf.inqVar(ncfid,varid); numdims=length(vardimids); % some variables may have less dimensions if ~exist('RangeStr','var') RangeStr=':'; for nd=2:numdims RangeStr=[RangeStr,',:']; end end IndC=strfind(RangeStr,',');% index of commas if length(IndC)~=numdims-1 disp(['Input dimension range is not correct, should be: ',num2str(numdims),'-d']); return end startstr=''; countstr=''; stridestr=''; for nn=1:length(IndC)+1 if nn==1 tmpstr=RangeStr(1:IndC(1)-1); elseif nn<numdims tmpstr=RangeStr(IndC(nn-1)+1:IndC(nn)-1); else tmpstr=RangeStr(IndC(nn-1)+1:end); end [tmpstart,tmpcount,tmpstride]=GetIndFromStr(tmpstr,':',dimlen(vardimids(numdims-nn+1)+1)); if nn==1 startstr=[num2str(tmpstart),'],']; countstr=[num2str(tmpcount),'],']; stridestr=[num2str(tmpstride),']']; elseif nn==numdims startstr=[',[',num2str(tmpstart),',',startstr]; countstr=['[',num2str(tmpcount),',',countstr]; stridestr=['[',num2str(tmpstride),',',stridestr]; else startstr=[num2str(tmpstart),',',startstr]; countstr=[num2str(tmpcount),',',countstr]; stridestr=[num2str(tmpstride),',',stridestr]; end end if IsDebug disp(['ncvardata=netcdf.getVar(ncfid,varid',startstr,countstr,stridestr,');']); end eval(['ncvardata=netcdf.getVar(ncfid,varid',startstr,countstr,stridestr,');']); netcdf.close(ncfid); ncvardata=permute(ncvardata,length(size(ncvardata)):-1:1); function [numstart,numcount,numstride]=GetIndFromStr(tmpstr,ctag,Ndim) % Read the numbers from the special string IsDebug=0; IndC=strfind(tmpstr,ctag); if isempty(IndC) numstart=str2double(tmpstr)-1; numcount=1; numstride=1; else switch length(IndC) case {1} switch IndC case {1} % : and :num if strcmp(tmpstr,':') numstart=0; numcount=Ndim; numstride=1; else if strcmp(tmpstr(2:end),'end') numstart=0; numcount=Ndim; numstride=1; else numstart=0; numcount=str2double(tmpstr(2:end))-1; numstride=1; end end case {length(tmpstr)} if strcmp(tmpstr,':') numstart=0; numcount=Ndim; numstride=1; return else numstart=str2double(tmpstr(1:IndC-1))-1; numcount=Ndim-numstart; numstride=1; end otherwise numstart=str2double(tmpstr(1:IndC-1))-1; if strcmp(tmpstr(IndC+1:end),'end') numend=Ndim; else numend=str2double(tmpstr(IndC+1:end)); end numcount=numend-numstart; numstride=1; end case {2} % num0:stride:num1 if IndC(1)==1 numstart=0; else numstart=str2double(tmpstr(1:IndC(1)-1))-1; end if IndC(2)==IndC(1)+1 numstride=1; else numstride=str2double(tmpstr(IndC(1)+1:IndC(2)-1)); end if IndC(2)==length(tmpstr) numend=Ndim; else if strcmp(tmpstr(IndC(2)+1:end),'end') numend=Ndim; else numend=str2double(tmpstr(IndC(2)+1:end)); end end numcount=numend-numstart; otherwise error('Not defined range type') end end if IsDebug disp(['tmpstr=',tmpstr]) disp(['start:',num2str(numstart), ' stride:',num2str(numstride),' count:',num2str(numcount)]) end |
Friday, December 17, 2010
Visualize Julia Sets using Matlab
function myjulia(Zmax,c,N) % Generate and visualize quadratic Julia Sets % More information about Julia Sets can be found here: % % this code is for the assignment of the "Introduction to Matlab" offered by MITOPENCOURSEWARE % Coded by if (nargin==1) Ndemo=Zmax; clear Zmax switch Ndemo case {1} myjulia(1,-0.297491+i*0.641051,100); return; case {2} myjulia(0.35,-0.297491+i*0.641051,250); return; otherwise disp('Not defined demo type!') help myjulia; return end elseif (nargin~=3) help myjulia; return end % generate the basic matrix NM=500; [Z,tmpy]=meshgrid(linspace(-Zmax,Zmax,NM),zeros(1,NM)); Z=Z+i*Z'; clear tmpy % compute the escape velocity myM=reshape(escapeVelocity(Z(:),c,N),NM,NM); % visualize the results imagesc(atan(0.1*myM)); figurenicer;axis xy; function n=escapeVelocity(z0,c,N) n=z0*0; NLen=length(z0); IndZ=1:length(z0); IndZ=IndZ'; for ni=1:N IndLT=find(abs(z0)<2); IndGE=find(abs(z0)>=2); n(IndZ(IndGE))=ni; if (length(IndLT)>0) z0(IndLT)=z0(IndLT).*z0(IndLT)+c; end z0(IndGE)=[]; IndZ(IndGE)=[]; end if ~isempty(IndZ) n(IndZ)=N; end |
![]() |
myjulia(2) |
Julia Sets,
Generate a series of column names in R
#if you want a series of column names, e.g., col1,col2,col3, ..., #you can use: mydf<-data.frame(matrix(ncol=5,nrow=4)) colnames(mydf)<-c("col1","col2","col3","col4","col5") #Well, it does work, but how about for 50 columns? #A loop! Sounds great. Okay, mydf<-data.frame(matrix(ncol=50,nrow=4)) for (n in 1:ncol(mydf)) { colnames(mydf)[n]<-paste("col",n,sep="") } #But again, it's as urgly as the textbook. Here we offer a much better solution: colnames(mydf)<-paste(rep("col",ncol(mydf)),c(1:ncol(mydf)),sep="") #Smart, eh? At least the nicer looking :) #From |
Trim a string in R
# sub-functions # Copyright: mytrim<-function(oristr) { oristr<-sub("^ +","",oristr) oristr<-sub(" +$","",oristr) # or gsub("(^ +)|( +$)","",oristr) return(oristr) } |
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Run matlab m-file in a shell script
It is common to run Matlab without splash and desktop using the following command, matlab -nosplash -nodesktop Sometime the "-nojvm" option also help to reduce the memory requires if the java-virtual-mathine features are not necessary in your script. But, what should we do if we want to run a Matlab m-file in a shell script? The only thing we need is the option of "-r", matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r YourMFile However, sometimes it will be much more convenient if we can run the function-type m-file with arguments. Here it comes today's tricky stuff: matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r YourMFile\(Number,\'character\'\) Matlab Start Help |
Here is an example,
#!/bin/bash myNum=30 myT="Demo\ of\ Peaks\(${myNum}\)" myPNG="fig_peaks_${myNum}" eval "/media/SW_Preload/matlab/bin/matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r showPeaks\(${myNum},\'${myT}\',\'${myPNG}\'\)" |
function showPeaks(myN,myTitle,myPNG) % show the the peaks % usage: % showPeaks(N,Title,FileName) % if nargin~=3 disp('Usage: ') disp(' showPeaks(N,Title,FileName) ') return end hf=figure('visible','off'); set(hf,'color','w','render','zbuffer'); hp=pcolor(peaks(myN)); set(hp,'linestyle','none'); title(myTitle,'fontweight','bold','fontsize',16); set(gca,'linewidth',2) eval(['print -dpng -r300 ',myPNG,'.png']) close; exit |
batch mode,
Command line,
no interface,
without window,
Saturday, October 23, 2010
An example of image processing using matlab
function [imgdatadb,mymask]=rgb2whiteblack(ImgFileName,mymask) % To show some basic image processing (percentage of some colors) % using matlab. Also shows how to create a mask using mouse. % Copyright: IsFig=0; IsFinalFig=1; % read image if nargin==0 ImgFileName='8x.JPG'; end if ~exist(ImgFileName,'file') disp(['image file: ',ImgFileName,' cannot be found!!! return nothing']) imgdatadb=[];mymask=[]; return end % assume input image is in rgb mode imgrgb=imread(ImgFileName); % Be more accurate or professional, consider operations with rgb channels if ~exist('mymask','var') %create the mask mask1=roipoly(imgrgb); mask2=roipoly(imgrgb); mask3=roipoly(imgrgb); mymask=mask1+mask2+mask3; close; end if IsFig % show rgb channels of the image figure; for N=1:4 subplot(2,2,N); if N~=4 imagesc(imgrgb(:,:,N)); else imagesc(imgrgb); end end end % convert data into gray scale [intensity image] imgdata=rgb2gray(imgrgb); % or maybe consider rgb2bw %convert to double imgdatadb=double(imgdata); % convert dark part to black imgdatadb(imgdatadb<100)=0; % .. light part to white imgdatadb(imgdatadb>=100)=255; % set mask region to specified value, e.g., 90 imgdatadb(mymask==1)=90; % statistics NumOfMaskP=length(find(mymask==1)); NumOfEffectiveP=length(imgdatadb(:))-NumOfMaskP; PerEffective=NumOfEffectiveP/(NumOfMaskP+NumOfEffectiveP)*100; PerBlack=length(find(imgdatadb==0))/NumOfEffectiveP*100; % show percentage disp(['Percentage of Effective pixels (%): ',num2str(PerEffective)]) disp(['Percentage of black region (%): ',num2str(PerBlack)]) % show image if IsFinalFig figure; title('Origin Gray image');imagesc(imgdata); figure; title('Black and White'); imagesc(uint8(imgdatadb)); end |
image processing,
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Plot a heart curve in matlab
function ShowHeart(Ntype) % a funny script to show different kind of heart curves % Usage: % ShowHeart() % Copyright: % Ref: % if nargin==0 Ntype=1; end np=999;Is3D=0;IsFilled=1; switch Ntype case {1} t=0:2*pi/np:2*pi; xx=(1-sin(t)).*cos(t); yy=(1-sin(t)).*sin(t); case {2} t=-1:2/(np*100):1; xx=sin(t).*cos(t).*log(abs(t)); yy=sqrt(cos(t)).*abs(t).^0.3; yy(isnan(xx))=[]; xx(isnan(xx))=[]; case {3} t=-1:2/(np*100):1; xx=sin(t).*cos(t).*log(abs(t)); yy=sqrt(abs(t)).*cos(t); yy(isnan(xx))=[]; xx(isnan(xx))=[]; case {4} t=0:2*pi/np:2*pi; r=sin(t).*sqrt(abs(cos(t)))./(sin(t)+7/5)-2*sin(t)+2; xx=r.*cos(t); yy=r.*sin(t); clear r case {5} t=0:60/np:60; r=0.01*(-t.*t+40*t+1200); xx=r.*sin(pi*t/180); yy=r.*cos(pi*t/180); clear r t xx=[xx fliplr(-xx)]; yy=[yy fliplr(yy)]; case {6} t=-1:2/(np*100):1; r=(1-abs(t)).*(1+3*abs(t)); xx=r.*sin(t); yy=r.*cos(t); clear r t otherwise disp(['Sorry, you just broke my heart!']); Is3D=1; t=0:2*pi/np:2*pi; r=sin(t).*sqrt(abs(cos(t)))./(sin(t)+7/5)-2*sin(t)+2; xx=r.*cos(t); yy=r.*sin(t); clear r end if ~Is3D if ~IsFilled plot(xx,yy,'color','r'); else hf=fill(xx,yy,'r');set(hf,'linestyle','none'); end else hp=plot(xx,yy,'g');set(hp,'linestyle','none'); figurenicer; hold on; myxlim=xlim;myylim=ylim; nrp=50; nxgrid=20; nygrid=20; xxn=linspace(myxlim(1),myxlim(2),nxgrid); yyn=linspace(myylim(1),myylim(2),nygrid); [xxn,yyn]=meshgrid(xxn,yyn); tmprand=randn(nrp,2); tmprand=tmprand/max(abs(tmprand(:)))/2; xxrand=zeros(nrp,nxgrid*nygrid); yyrand=xxrand; np=1; for Nx=1:nxgrid for Ny=1:nygrid xxrand(:,np)=xxn(Ny,Nx)+tmprand(:,1); yyrand(:,np)=yyn(Ny,Nx)+tmprand(:,2); np=np+1; end end Ind=inpolygon(xxn(:),yyn(:),xx(:),yy(:)); tmpind=1:length(xxn(:)); [jj,ii]=ind2sub(size(xxn),tmpind(Ind==1)); Ind2=sub2ind(size(xxn),jj(:)+1,ii(:)); Ind=sub2ind(size(xxn),jj(:),ii(:)); xxrand(:,Ind2)=xxrand(:,Ind); yyrand(:,Ind2)=yyrand(:,Ind); [xxnew,yynew]=GetRandom(xx(:),yy(:),5); hp0=plot(xxnew,yynew,'g.');set(hp0,'linestyle','none','markersize',1); %plot(xxn(:),yyn(:),'.b'); hp=plot(xxrand,yyrand,'.g');set(hp,'linestyle','none','markersize',1); end figurenicer; axis equal; axis tight; function [xxnew,yynew]=GetRandom(xx,yy,nrp) np=length(xx); if (np>360) iii=linspace(1,np,360); iii=fix(iii); xx=xx(iii); yy=yy(iii); np=length(xx); end tmprand=randn(nrp,2); tmprand=tmprand/max(abs(tmprand(:)))*8; xxnew=zeros(nrp,length(xx)); xx=reshape(xx,1,[]); yy=reshape(yy,1,[]); xxdif=diff(xx);xxdif=[xxdif(1) xxdif]; yydif=diff(yy);yydif=[yydif(1) yydif]; for N=2:length(xx) xxnew(:,N)=0.5*(xx(N-1)+xx(N))+tmprand(:,1)*xxdif(N); yynew(:,N)=0.5*(yy(N-1)+yy(N))+tmprand(:,2)*yydif(N); end xxnew(:,1)=xxnew(:,2); yynew(:,1)=yynew(:,2); |
heart curve,
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Fortran Code dealing with longitude
! Copyright by MODULE mod_longcheck USE mod_precision IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS FUNCTION Check180(mylon) ! check whether it is close to the International Date Line (IDL) logical :: Check180 real(kind=rprec) :: mylon if ( abs(abs(mylon)-180.0) < 15.0) then ! here the threshold value is arbitrary Check180=.TRUE. else Check180=.FALSE. endif END FUNCTION Check180 FUNCTION CheckZero(mylon) ! check if whether it is close to the Primary Line logical :: CheckZero real(kind=rprec) :: mylon if ( abs(mylon) < 5.0) then ! here the threshold value is arbitrary CheckZero=.TRUE. else if (abs(abs(mylon)-360.0)< 5.) then CheckZero=.TRUE. else CheckZero=.FALSE. endif endif END FUNCTION CheckZero FUNCTION Back180(mylon) ! convert a longitude into a range of [-180 180] real(kind=rprec) :: mylon real(kind=rprec) :: Back180 Back180=mylon if (Back180<0.0) then do while (Back180 < -180.0) Back180=Back180+360.0 enddo else do while (Back180>180.0) Back180=Back180-360.0 enddo endif return END FUNCTION Back180 FUNCTION Back360(mylon) ! convert a longitude into a range of [0 360] real(kind=rprec) :: mylon real(kind=rprec) :: Back360 Back360=mylon if (Back360<0.0) then do while (Back360 < 0.0) Back360=Back360+360.0 enddo else do while (Back360>360.0) Back360=Back360-360.0 enddo endif return END FUNCTION Back360 SUBROUTINE ll2xy(mylon,mylat,myx,myy) ! convert given long/latitude into x/y in stereographic projection real(kind=rprec) :: mylon,mylat real(kind=rprec) :: myx,myy ! local variables real(kind=rprec) :: mypi,deg2r,myphi,mylam real(kind=rprec) :: rho,Re,phi0,lam0 real(kind=rprec) :: a,b,k,f,e,e2,e4,e6,t Re=6371000.0 ! the earth radius mypi=acos(-1.0) deg2r=mypi/180.0 myphi=mylat*deg2r mylam=mylon*deg2r phi0=0. lam0=0. if (mylat>84.0) then rho=2.0*Re*(sqrt((1.0-sin(myphi))/(1.0+sin(myphi)))) myx=rho*sin(mylam-lam0) myy=-rho*cos(mylam-lam0) myx=myx+2000000.0 myy=myy+2000000.0 elseif (mylat<-84.0) then ! south-hemisphere stereographic projection myphi=-myphi mylam=-mylam lam0=-lam0 rho=2.0*Re*(sqrt((1.0-sin(myphi))/(1.0+sin(myphi)))) myx=rho*sin(mylam-lam0) myy=-rho*cos(mylam-lam0) myx=-myx; myy=-myy myx=myx+2000000.0 myy=myy+2000000.0 else stop "NOT DEFINED YET, maybe just not necessary" endif END SUBROUTINE ll2xy SUBROUTINE xy2ll(myx,myy,mylon,mylat) ! convert given x/y in the stereographic projection into long/latitude real(kind=rprec) :: myx,myy real(kind=rprec) :: mylon,mylat ! local variables real(kind=rprec) :: mypi,deg2r,myphi,mylam,lat0 real(kind=rprec) :: xx,yy real(kind=rprec) :: rho,Re,phi0,lam0 real(kind=rprec) :: a,b,k,f,e,e2,e4,e6,t mypi=acos(1.0) deg2r=mypi/180.0 Re=6371000.0 lam0=0.0 phi0=0.0 lat0=90.0 if (lat0>84.0) then xx=myx-2000000.0 yy=myy-2000000.0 rho = sqrt (xx*xx + yy*yy) myphi=mypi*0.5-2*atan(0.5*rho/Re) mylam=lam0+atan2(xx,-yy) elseif (lat0<-84.0) then stop 'Should not see this msg' xx=-(myx-2000000.0) yy=-(myy-2000000.0) rho=sqrt(xx*xx+yy*yy) myphi=0.5*mypi-2*atan(0.5*rho/Re) myphi=-myphi mylam=-(-lam0+atan2(xx,-yy)) else stop 'Should not see this msg' endif END SUBROUTINE xy2ll END MODULE mod_longcheck |
day time line,
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Pack netcdf file
#!/bin/bash # A simple usage of ncpdq from nco ( # Please check more details from the nco website. # Usage: myncfile(s) # NOTE: There will be a loss of precision in type conversion # (converted to short by default) # Copyright by IsNCPDQ=`which ncpdq` if [ ${#IsNCPDQ} -eq 0 ]; then echo "ncpdq can not be found in the path..." echo "Please double check your NetCDF Operator (NCO) Path" exit fi if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then sed -n '4p' exit else Nfiles=$* for ncfile in ${Nfiles} do [ -f ${ncfile} ] && ncpdq -P all_xst ${ncfile} tmpout_${ncfile} && mv tmpout_${ncfile} ${ncfile} done fi |
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Arrays in Bash
#!/bin/bash # # Usage: # nmon # Copyright by if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then sed -n '3,4p' exit fi case $1 in 1) fnarray[0]="m01d05" fnarray[1]="m01d10" fnarray[2]="m01d15" fnarray[3]="m01d20" fnarray[4]="m01d25" fnarray[5]="m01d30" ;; 2) fnarray[0]="m02d04" fnarray[1]="m02d09" fnarray[2]="m02d14" fnarray[3]="m02d19" fnarray[4]="m02d24" fnarray[5]="m03d01" ;; 3) fnarray[0]="m03d06" fnarray[1]="m03d11" fnarray[2]="m03d16" fnarray[3]="m03d21" fnarray[4]="m03d26" fnarray[5]="m03d31" ;; 4) fnarray[0]="m04d05" fnarray[1]="m04d10" fnarray[2]="m04d15" fnarray[3]="m04d20" fnarray[4]="m04d25" fnarray[5]="m04d30" ;; 5) fnarray[0]="m05d05" fnarray[1]="m05d10" fnarray[2]="m05d15" fnarray[3]="m05d20" fnarray[4]="m05d25" fnarray[5]="m05d30" ;; 6) fnarray[0]="m06d04" fnarray[1]="m06d09" fnarray[2]="m06d14" fnarray[3]="m06d19" fnarray[4]="m06d24" fnarray[5]="m06d29" ;; 7) fnarray[0]="m07d04" fnarray[1]="m07d09" fnarray[2]="m07d14" fnarray[3]="m07d19" fnarray[4]="m07d24" fnarray[5]="m07d29" ;; 8) fnarray[0]="m08d03" fnarray[1]="m08d08" fnarray[2]="m08d13" fnarray[3]="m08d18" fnarray[4]="m08d23" fnarray[5]="m08d28" fnarray[6]="m09d02" ;; 9) fnarray[0]="m09d07" fnarray[1]="m09d12" fnarray[2]="m09d17" fnarray[3]="m09d22" fnarray[4]="m09d27" fnarray[5]="m10d02" ;; 10) fnarray[0]="m10d07" fnarray[1]="m10d12" fnarray[2]="m10d17" fnarray[3]="m10d22" fnarray[4]="m10d27" fnarray[5]="m11d01" ;; 11) fnarray[0]="m11d06" fnarray[1]="m11d11" fnarray[2]="m11d16" fnarray[3]="m11d21" fnarray[4]="m11d26" fnarray[5]="m12d01" ;; 12) fnarray[0]="m12d06" fnarray[1]="m12d11" fnarray[2]="m12d16" fnarray[3]="m12d21" fnarray[4]="m12d26" fnarray[5]="m12d31" ;; *) echo "Undefined month: $1" exit ;; esac echo ${fnarray[*]} |
mmddstr=(` $month`) # will return an array with the month-day strings.
To get the array size, rather than the length of an array element, either ${#mmddstr[*]} or ${#mmddstr[@]} works well. One should notice that ${#mmddstr} shows something different but the max length of all the array elements.
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