It is common to run Matlab without splash and desktop using the following command, matlab -nosplash -nodesktop Sometime the "-nojvm" option also help to reduce the memory requires if the java-virtual-mathine features are not necessary in your script. But, what should we do if we want to run a Matlab m-file in a shell script? The only thing we need is the option of "-r", matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r YourMFile However, sometimes it will be much more convenient if we can run the function-type m-file with arguments. Here it comes today's tricky stuff: matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r YourMFile\(Number,\'character\'\) Matlab Start Help |
Here is an example,
#!/bin/bash myNum=30 myT="Demo\ of\ Peaks\(${myNum}\)" myPNG="fig_peaks_${myNum}" eval "/media/SW_Preload/matlab/bin/matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r showPeaks\(${myNum},\'${myT}\',\'${myPNG}\'\)" |
function showPeaks(myN,myTitle,myPNG) % show the the peaks % usage: % showPeaks(N,Title,FileName) % if nargin~=3 disp('Usage: ') disp(' showPeaks(N,Title,FileName) ') return end hf=figure('visible','off'); set(hf,'color','w','render','zbuffer'); hp=pcolor(peaks(myN)); set(hp,'linestyle','none'); title(myTitle,'fontweight','bold','fontsize',16); set(gca,'linewidth',2) eval(['print -dpng -r300 ',myPNG,'.png']) close; exit |