//@ http://scriptdemo.blogspot.com float myAngle, myScale, myAlpha0, myAlpha; float shiftX, shiftY; int rr,gg,bb; // to control the shape of spiral float minScale, dAngle, coefScale; boolean isLine=false; boolean isColor=true; void setup() { size(500,500); shiftX=width/2; shiftY=height/2; myAngle=0; myScale=1.0; minScale=0.01; coefScale=0.99; myAlpha0=8; dAngle=PI/50; noStroke(); background(255); frameRate(30); smooth(); } void draw() { while(myScale>minScale) { pushMatrix(); myAngle=myAngle+dAngle; myScale=myScale*coefScale; translate(shiftX,shiftY); rotate(myAngle); scale(myScale); if (isColor) { rr=ceil(255*sin(myAngle)); gg=ceil(255*cos(myAngle)); if (rr<=0) rr=rr+255; if (gg<=0) gg+=255; bb=(rr+gg)%256; } else { rr=10; gg=10; bb=10; if (isLine) myAlpha0=max(myAlpha0,20); } myAlpha=min(myAlpha0*(ceil(myAngle/TWO_PI)),255); if (isLine) { stroke(rr,gg,bb,myAlpha); noFill(); line(-1*shiftX,shiftY,shiftX,shiftY); } else { noStroke(); fill(bb,gg,rr,myAlpha); rect(-1*shiftX,shiftY,width,height); } popMatrix(); } } void mouseClicked() { isLine=!isLine; myAlpha=myAlpha0; myScale=1; myAngle=random(-PI,PI); background(255); } void mouseDragged() { isColor=!isColor; myAlpha=myAlpha0; myScale=1; myAngle=random(-PI,PI); background(255); } |
Friday, August 19, 2011
[Processing] spiral demo using Processing
[Processing] Transformation example in Processing
2D Transformations example:Online Demo
//@ http://scriptdemo.blogspot.com/ int numP; myrose[] roses; float rotAngle, myscale; float shiftX, shiftY; void setup() { size(500,500); numP=36; smooth(); roses=new myrose[numP]; myscale=1; rotAngle=0; shiftX=width/2; shiftY=height/2; frameRate(30); for (int n=0; n<numP; n++) { roses[n]=new myrose(); } noStroke(); } void draw() { background(255); translate(shiftX,shiftY); if (!mousePressed) { rotAngle=rotAngle+PI/100; } rotate(rotAngle); scale(myscale); pushMatrix(); for (int n=0; n<numP; n++) { roses[n].myrose(); roses[n].setangle(n*TWO_PI/numP); roses[n].showit(); } popMatrix(); } class myrose { float myangle; int nres=20; float[] xx=new float[nres*2+1]; float[] yy=new float[nres*2+1]; float rr=0.4*width; float rr05=rr/2; float rry=0.1*rr; void myrose() { for (int n=-nres; n<=nres; n++) { xx[n+nres]=rr05+n*rr05/nres; yy[n+nres]=rry*sin(n*TWO_PI/nres); } } void showit() { pushMatrix(); rotate(myangle); for (int n=0; n<xx.length; n++) { fill(n*255/xx.length,127); ellipse(xx[n],yy[n],5,5); } popMatrix(); } void setangle(float ang) { myangle=ang; } } void mouseDragged() { if (mouseButton==CENTER) { shiftX+=(mouseX-pmouseX); shiftY+=(mouseY-pmouseY); } else if (mouseButton==LEFT) { float d0=(pmouseX-width/2)*(pmouseX-width/2)+(pmouseY-height/2)*(pmouseY-height/2); float dc=(mouseX-width/2)*(mouseX-width/2)+(mouseY-height/2)*(mouseY-height/2); myscale=(sqrt(dc)-sqrt(d0)); } } |
Monday, August 15, 2011
[Bash] manipulate variables from different netcdf files using nco
#!/bin/bash # compute the toal precipitation (L+S) # usage: # getTotalPrec.sh RainFile SnowFile # assuming the variable name for rain : pr # snow : prsn #copyright @ http://scriptdemo.blogspot.com ncVarNameRain="pr" ncVarNameSnow="prsn" if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then RainFile=$1; SnowFile=$2 else sed -n '3,6p' getTotalPrec.sh exit fi [ ! -e ${RainFile} ] && echo "${RainFile} does not exist!" && exit [ ! -e ${SnowFile} ] && echo "${SnowFile} does not exist!" && exit oriP="ori_${RainFile}" cp ${RainFile} ${oriP} eval "ncks -A -v ${ncVarNameSnow} ${SnowFile} ${oriP}" eval "ncap2 -s 'prtot=${ncVarNameRain}+${ncVarNameSnow}' ${oriP} new${oriP}" ncks -v prtot new${oriP} total_${oriP} && rm -f new${oriP} eval "ncrename -v prtot,${ncVarNameRain} total_${oriP} && rm -f ${oriP}" |
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