# to change current path using a customized script function # instead of using alias. Need put this function in .bashrc # e.g., # mycd ex1 ==> cd ~/scripttest/ex1 # mycd ex2 ==> cd ~/scripttest/ex2 # mycd eX2 ==> cd ~/scripttest/ex2 # @ http://scriptdemo.blogspot.com function mycd (){ if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage:" echo " mycd foldername" else targetF=`echo $1 | awk '{print tolower($1)}'` targetP=${HOME}/scripttest/${targetF} if [ -d ${targetP} ]; then eval "cd ${targetP}" else echo "${targetP} does not exist!" fi unset targetF fi } |
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
[Bash] change current workspace by calling a script function
Monday, August 27, 2012
[Matlab] bar/tube plot along a 3d path
function hbarplot=barplot(x,y,z,varargin) % plot a 3d surface/tube centered at (x,y,z) % usage: % hbarplot=barplot(x,y,z,varargin) % varargin: % 'v' : the cdata values, same size as z % 'n' : N-isogon as the basic shape % 'r' : radius of the N-isogon % e.g., % zz=0:0.5:10; % hh=barplot(cos(zz/10*pi),5,zz,'v',randn(1,numel(zz))+sin(zz/10*pi),'n',4,'r',sin(zz/10*pi)); view(3) % http://scriptdemo.blogspot.com clc; myN=3; myR=0.5; isV=0; if nargin>3 while(size(varargin,2)>0) switch lower(varargin{1}) case {'v','cdata','colordata','facecolordata'} v=varargin{2}; varargin(1:2)=[]; isV=1; case {'n','nshape'} myN=varargin{2}; varargin(1:2)=[]; case {'r','radius'} myR=varargin{2}; varargin(1:2)=[]; otherwise error(['Not defined properties!',varargin{1}]) end end elseif nargin==0 % demo case zz=0:0.5:10; hbarplot=barplot(cos(zz/10*pi),5,zz,'v',randn(1,numel(zz))+sin(zz/10*pi),'n',4,'r',sin(zz/10*pi)); view(-150,30); return elseif nargin<3 help barplot return end [xx,yy,zz]=getMeshN(x,y,z,myR,myN); if isV==0 hbarplot=surface(xx',yy',zz'); else if numel(v)==numel(z) vv=repmat(reshape(v,[],1),1,size(xx,2)); end hbarplot=surface(xx',yy',zz'); set(hbarplot,'cdata',vv'); end set(hbarplot,'tag','barplot','linestyle','none','facecolor','interp'); axis off equal set(gcf,'color','w'); function [xx,yy,zz]=getMeshN(x0,y0,z,myR,N) if nargin==3 myR=0.5; N=3; elseif nargin==4 N=3; elseif nargin~=5 error('Usage: [xx,yy,zz]=getMeshN(x,y,z,myR,N)'); end z=reshape(z,[],1); numZ=numel(z); myAng=linspace(0,2*pi,N+1); xslab=cos(myAng); yslab=sin(myAng); %N=numel(xslab)-1; % could be other shape as well. if numel(x0)==1 x0=repmat(x0,numZ,N+1); elseif numel(x0)==numZ x0=repmat(reshape(x0,[],1),1,N+1); end if numel(y0)==1 y0=repmat(y0,numZ,N+1); elseif numel(y0)==numZ y0=repmat(reshape(y0,[],1),1,N+1); end if numel(myR)==1 xx=repmat(xslab*myR,numZ,1)+x0; yy=repmat(yslab*myR,numZ,1)+y0; else myR=repmat(reshape(myR,[],1),1,N+1); xx=repmat(xslab,numZ,1).*myR+x0; yy=repmat(yslab,numZ,1).*myR+y0; end zz=repmat(z,1,N+1); |
Sunday, August 26, 2012
[Matlab] fill a specific-value region with a given color
function FillIt(lon,lat,Land,FillC,TagType,FillValue) % To fill a specific-value region with a given color % Usage: % FillIt(lon,lat,Land,FillC,TagType,FillValue) % TagType: could be 'RU' or 'LD', % to fill right-up square or left-down square % FillValue: nan [default] or specific value to fill with color [FillC] % Note: lon, lat, Land must be the same size % e.g., % FillIt(lon,lat,lsmask,[0.0 0.3 0.3],'RU') % http://scriptdemo.blogspot.com if nargin==0 %demo load topo topo; topo(topo>0)=nan; xx=1:360; yy=1:180; [xx,yy]=meshgrid(xx,yy); FillIt(xx,yy,topo,[0.4 0.3 0.4],'RU'); set(gca,'tickdir','out','linewidth',2,'xminortick','on','yminortick','on','box','on','fontweight','bold'); set(gcf,'color','w'); axis equal; axis tight; return end if nargin==3 FillC=[0.3 0.3 0.3]; TagType='RU'; FillValue='nan'; elseif nargin==4 TagType='RU'; FillValue='nan'; elseif nargin==5 FillValue='nan'; elseif nargin~=6 help FillIt; return end if numel(lon)~=numel(lat) disp('lon and lat must be the same size') return end if numel(lon)~=numel(Land) disp('lon/lat and land must be the same size') return end [Ny,Nx]=size(Land); if ischar(FillValue) if strcmpi(FillValue,'nan') [Indy,Indx]=find(isnan(Land)); else disp(['invalid fill value: ',FillValue]) return end elseif isnumeric(FillValue) [Indy,Indx]=find(Land==FillValue); else disp('invalid fill value') return end switch upper(TagType) case 'RU' % Right Up % 4----3 % | | % 1----2 Indx(Indy==Ny)=[];Indy(Indy==Ny)=[]; Indy(Indx==Nx)=[];Indx(Indx==Nx)=[]; Fillx(1,:)=lon((Indx-1)*Ny+Indy); Fillx(2,:)=lon((Indx)*Ny+Indy); Fillx(3,:)=lon((Indx)*Ny+Indy+1); Fillx(4,:)=lon((Indx-1)*Ny+Indy+1); Fillx(5,:)=lon((Indx-1)*Ny+Indy); Filly(1,:)=lat((Indx-1)*Ny+Indy); Filly(2,:)=lat((Indx)*Ny+Indy); Filly(3,:)=lat((Indx)*Ny+Indy+1); Filly(4,:)=lat((Indx-1)*Ny+Indy+1); Filly(5,:)=lat((Indx-1)*Ny+Indy); case 'LD' % Left Down % 2----1 % | | % 3----4 Indx(Indy==1)=[];Indy(Indy==1)=[]; Indy(Indx==1)=[];Indx(Indx==1)=[]; Fillx(1,:)=lon((Indx-1)*Ny+Indy);Filly(1,:)=lat((Indx-1)*Ny+Indy); Fillx(2,:)=lon((Indx-2)*Ny+Indy);Filly(2,:)=lat((Indx-2)*Ny+Indy); Fillx(3,:)=lon((Indx-2)*Ny+Indy-1);Filly(3,:)=lat((Indx-2)*Ny+Indy-1); Fillx(4,:)=lon((Indx-1)*Ny+Indy-1);Filly(4,:)=lat((Indx-1)*Ny+Indy-1); Fillx(5,:)=lon((Indx-1)*Ny+Indy);Filly(5,:)=lat((Indx-1)*Ny+Indy); otherwise disp('Not defined Fill Type') help FillIt return end if ~ishold; hold on; end hf=patch(Fillx,Filly,FillC); set(hf,'linestyle','none','tag','fillIt'); |
Friday, August 24, 2012
[Matlab] show 2d mesh grid
function ShowGridLine(lon,lat,NSkip,LineC,LineS,LineM) % To show a 2d mesh-grid defined by given grid points % similar to the function mesh? % Example: % ShowGridLine(lon,lat,2,'k','-','.') % http://scriptdemo.blogspot.com % if (nargin>3) if exist('LineC','var')~=1 LineC='k'; end if exist('LineS','var')~=1 LineS='-'; end if exist('LineM','var')~=1 LineM='none'; end elseif (nargin>=2) if exist('NSkip','var')==1 if ischar(NSkip) LineC=NSkip; clear NSkip; end end if exist('NSkip','var')~=1 NSkip=5; end if exist('LineC','var')~=1 LineC='k'; end if exist('LineS','var')~=1 LineS='-'; end if exist('LineM','var')~=1 LineM='none'; end elseif (nargin==0) close all; [xx,yy]=meshgrid(1:19,1:19); ShowGridLine(xx,yy,1,'k','-'); plot(4,4,'o','markerfacecolor','k','markersize',4,'markeredgecolor','k'); plot(16,16,'o','markerfacecolor','k','markersize',4,'markeredgecolor','k'); plot(4,16,'o','markerfacecolor','k','markersize',4,'markeredgecolor','k'); plot(16,4,'o','markerfacecolor','k','markersize',4,'markeredgecolor','k'); set(gcf,'color','w'); set(gca,'xtick',2:2:18,'ytick',2:2:18,'ydir','r','xaxislocation','top') axis equal; axis tight; xlabel('Go Board','fontweight','bold','fontsize',18,'color','red'); return else help ShowGridLine return end [N1,N2]=size(lat); if ~ishold hold on; end for NL=1:NSkip:N2 hp=plot(lon(:,NL),lat(:,NL)); set(hp,'color',LineC,'linestyle',LineS,'Marker',LineM) end for NL=1:NSkip:N1 hp=plot(lon(NL,:),lat(NL,:)); set(hp,'color',LineC,'linestyle',LineS,'Marker',LineM,'tag','gridLines') end |
Thursday, July 5, 2012
[Bash] remove the temporary files generated by latex
#!/bin/bash # to clean the "*.blg *.bbl *.aux *.spl" files # usage: # cleanlatex option # -l : just list those files # -f : remove by force # -dvi : dvi files as well # -name : only those with a specifc filename # e.g., # cleanlatex -l # cleanlatex -f -name pdftest -dvi # http://scriptdemo.blogspot.com [ $# -eq 0 ] && sed -n '3,11p' `which cleanlatex` && exit isFLname=0 isForce=0 isList=0 isDvi=0 isDebug=0 fname='*' while test -n "$1" do case "$1" in -l|-L) isList=1 shift ;; -f|-F|-force|-del|-remove) isForce=1 shift ;; -dvi) isDvi=1 shift ;; -name) fname=$2 fname=${fname%.*} shift; shift; ;; -debug|-Debug) isDebug=1 shift ;; *) echo "unkown option: $1" shift ;; esac done [ ${isList} -eq 1 ] && isForce=0 flist="${fname}.spl ${fname}.aux ${fname}.bbl ${fname}.blg ${fname}.log" [ ${isDvi} -eq 1 ] && flist="${flist} ${fname}.dvi" if [ ${isForce} -eq 0 ]; then if [ ${isDebug} -eq 1 ]; then echo "ls ${flist}" else eval "ls ${flist} 2>/dev/null" fi exit else if [ ${isDebug} -eq 1 ]; then echo "rm -f ${flist}" else eval "rm -f ${flist} 2>/dev/null" fi fi |
[Bash] mail2me: send email with attachments from terminal
This is mutt version. A "mail" version is here.
#!/bin/bash # send files to an email account as the attachment(s) # usage: # mail2me email -s 'YourSubject' YourAttachments # http://scriptdemo.blogspot.com function isEmail() { cEmail=`echo $1 | grep "^[a-zA-Z]\+\([._][a-zA-Z0-9]\+\)*@\([a-zA-Z0-9]\+\.\)\+[a-zA-Z]\{2,3\}$"` if [ ${#cEmail} -gt 0 ]; then echo "true" else echo "false" fi } function isServerOn() { myS=$1 myp=`ping -c 2 ${myS} 2>&1 | grep "% packet" | awk '{print $6*100}'` if [ ${#myp} -eq 0 ]; then echo "-1" #server: ${myS} is not valid elif [ ${myp} -eq 100 ]; then echo "0" #server: ${myS} is off else echo "1" #server: ${myS} is $(( 100 - ${myp}))% response fi } if [ $# -le 1 ]; then echo "usage: mail2me email -s Subject file1 [file2] ..." exit fi #check email targetEmail=$1 isValidEmail=`isEmail ${targetEmail}` [ ${isValidEmail} == "false" ] && echo "${targetEmail} is not a valid email address!!!" && exit #check smtp server smtpS=`echo ${targetEmail} | awk -F\@ '{print $2}'` smtpS="smtp.${smtpS}" isOnline=`isServerOn ${smtpS}` if [ ${isOnline} == "-1" ]; then echo "SMTP server: ${smtpS} is invalid. STOP" && exit elif [ ${isOnline} == "0" ]; then echo "SMTP server: ${smtpS} is offline. STOP" && exit fi #send email numF=0 nf=2 isDebug=0 shift #shift the email while [ $# -ge 1 ] do case $1 in -s|-S) mysubj=$2 shift; shift; ;; -d|-D) isDebug=1 shift ;; *) if [ -f ${tmpfn} ]; then myfile[${numF}]=$1 numF=`expr ${numF} + 1` else echo "$1 is not found!" fi shift ;; esac done if [ ${numF} -eq 1 ]; then [ ${#mysubj} -eq 0 ] && mysubj="[script] ${myfile[0]}" elif [ ${numF} -gt 1 ]; then [ ${#mysubj} -eq 0 ] && mysubj="[script] backup ${myfile[0]} etc." else echo "no file is found!!!" && exit fi if [ ${isDebug} -eq 1 ]; then echo "echo \"The attachment is ${myfile[*]} sent by `whoami` from `hostname`\" | mutt -s '${mysubj}' -a ${myfile[*]} -- ${targetEmail}" else echo "The attachment is ${myfile[*]} sent by `whoami` from `hostname` " | mutt -s "${mysubj}" -a ${myfile[*]} -- ${targetEmail} fi |
send email from terminal
Thursday, June 21, 2012
[Bash] png2pdf: convert png files into a single pdf file
Download link
#!/bin/bash # to convert png files into a single pdf file using pdflatex # usage: # png2pdf.sh png-file[s] -o png2pdf.pdf -nC nCol -nR nRow # e.g., # Given 12 png files (one for each month) with a name like "ssh_??.png", # to create a 3-pages pdf file with 2 by 2 on each page, # and a caption like "Fiugre* Sea Surface Height \\ ??; ?? \\ ??; ??" # where \\ means line break and ?? is the month-tag in original png filename. # you can run, # png2pdf.sh -o ssh_monthly.pdf -nC 2 -nR 2 ssh_??.png -title 'Sea Surface Height' -ns 5 -ne 6 # [ here -ns: start-index of characters for the caption; -ne: end-index] # or # png2pdf.sh -o ssh_monthly.pdf -nC 2 -nR 2 ssh_??.png -title 'Sea Surface Height' -sep '_' 2 # [-sep: field seperator, 2 is the No. of field used for the caption] # # http://scriptdemo.blogspot.com fixCaption() { echo $* | sed -e 's@_@--@g' } nfile=0 isPDFname=0 isnCol=0 isnRow=0 isDel=0 isCaption=0 isSep=0 isDebug=0 [ $# -eq 0 ] && sed -n '3,17p' `which png2pdf.sh` && exit while test -n "$1" do case "$1" in -nC|-nc|-nCol|-ncol|-Ncol) nCol=$2 isnCol=1 shift shift ;; -nR|-nr|-nRow|-Nrow|-nrow) nRow=$2 isnRow=1 shift shift ;; -title|-Title|-Caption|-caption|-c) myCaption=$2 isCaption=1 shift shift ;; -sep|-Sep|-seperator) mysep=$2 mynf=$3 isSep=1 isCaption=1 shift; shift; ;; -ns|-NS|-CS|-cs) cstart=$2 isCaption=1 shift shift ;; -ne|-NE|-CE|-ce) cend=$2 isCaption=1 shift shift ;; -d|-delete|-del|-D) isDel=1; shift ;; -debug|-Debug) isDebug=1 shift ;; -o|-O) pdfname=$2 isPDFname=1 shift shift ;; *) sufstr=`echo $1 | awk -F. '{print $2}'` if [ ${#sufstr} -eq 0 ]; then tmpfile="$1".png if [ -f ${tmpfile} ]; then imgfile[$nfile]=${tmpfile} nfile=`expr $nfile + 1` fi elif [ -f $1 ]; then if [ -f $1 ]; then imgfile[$nfile]=$1 nfile=`expr $nfile + 1` fi fi shift ;; esac done if [ ${isnRow} -eq 0 ] && [ ${isnCol} -eq 0 ]; then nCol=1 nRow=1 nPage=${nfile} elif [ ${isnCol} -eq 1 ] && [ ${isnRow} -eq 0 ]; then nRow=`echo "${nfile}/${nCol}" | bc -l | awk '{ if ($1 == int($1)) {printf "%d\n", $1} else { if ($1>0) {printf "%d\n",int($1)+1 } else {printf "%d\n",int($1)} } }'` nPage=1 elif [ ${isnRow} -eq 1 ] & [ ${isnCol} -eq 0 ]; then nCol=`echo "${nfile}/${nRow}" | bc -l | awk '{ if ($1 == int($1)) {printf "%d\n", $1} else { if ($1>0) {printf "%d\n",int($1)+1 } else {printf "%d\n",int($1)} } }'` nPage=1 else nPage=`echo "${nfile}/${nRow}/${nCol}" | bc -l | awk '{ if ($1 == int($1)) {printf "%d\n", $1} else { if ($1>0) {printf "%d\n",int($1)+1 } else {printf "%d\n",int($1)} } }'` fi if [ ${isCaption} -eq 1 ]; then if [ ${#cend} -ne 0 ] & [ ${#cstart} -eq 0 ]; then cstart=1 fi fi colstr=`printf "%*s\n" ${nCol} " " | sed -e 's/\ /c/g'` nwidth=$(printf "%.2f\n" `echo "1/${nCol}" | bc -l`) [ ${nwidth} == "1.00" ] && nwidth="" [ ${isDebug} -eq 1 ] && echo -e "nCol=${nCol}\nnRow=${nRow}\nnWid=${nwidth}\nnPage=${nPage}" # header of tex file [ ${isPDFname} -eq 0 ] && pdfname="png2pdf.pdf" texfile=${pdfname%.*}.tex [ -e ${texfile} ] && mv ${texfile} old_${texfile} touch ${texfile} echo '\documentclass[letterpaper,12pt]{article}' >> ${texfile} echo '\usepackage{graphicx}' >> ${texfile} [ ${isCaption} -eq 1 ] && echo '\usepackage{caption}' >> ${texfile} echo '\begin{document}' >> ${texfile} for (( np=0; np<${nPage}; np++ )) do echo '\thispagestyle{empty}' >> ${texfile} echo '\begin{figure}' >> ${texfile} echo '\centering' >> ${texfile} echo "\begin{tabular}{${colstr}}" >> ${texfile} ns=`expr ${np} \* ${nCol} \* ${nRow}` if [ ${isCaption} -eq 1 ] && [ ${#myCaption} -ne 0 ]; then if [ ${#cstart} -ne 0 ] || [ ${#cend} -ne 0 ]; then tmpCaption="${myCaption} \protect \\\\" else tmpCaption="${myCaption}" fi else tmpCaption="" fi for (( nL=0; nL<${nRow}; nL++ )) do nss=`expr ${ns} + ${nCol} \* ${nL}` for (( nC=0; nC<${nCol}; nC++ )) do nfig=`expr ${nss} + ${nC}` if [ ${nfig} -lt ${nfile} ]; then imgname=${imgfile[$nfig]} if [ ${nC} -eq `expr ${nCol} - 1` ]; then if [ ${nL} -eq `expr ${nRow} - 1` ]; then tmpstr="" else tmpstr=" \\\\" fi else tmpstr=" &" fi if [ ${nL} -eq `expr ${nRow} - 1` ] && [ ${nC} -eq `expr ${nCol} - 1` ]; then tmpstr="" fi [ ${nfig} -eq `expr ${nfile} - 1` ] && tmpstr="" if [ ${isCaption} -eq 1 ]; then if [ ${isSep} -eq 0 ]; then if [ ${#cend} -eq 0 ]; then subfn=`echo ${imgname} | cut -c${cstart}-` else subfn=`echo ${imgname} | cut -c${cstart}-${cend}` fi else subfn=`echo ${imgname} | cut -d${mysep} -f${mynf}` #echo "${imgname} "sep="${mysep} nf=${mynf} ==> ${subfn}" fi if [ ${#subfn} -ne 0 ]; then [ "${tmpstr}" == "" ] && tmpCaption="${tmpCaption}${subfn}" [ "${tmpstr}" == " \\\\" ] && tmpCaption="${tmpCaption}${subfn} \protect \\\\ " [ "${tmpstr}" == " &" ] && tmpCaption="${tmpCaption}${subfn}; " fi fi echo "\includegraphics[width=${nwidth}\linewidth]{${imgname}} ${tmpstr}" >> ${texfile} fi done done echo "\end{tabular}" >> ${texfile} if [ ${isCaption} -eq 1 ]; then tmpCaption=`fixCaption ${tmpCaption}` echo "\caption{${tmpCaption}}" >> ${texfile} fi echo "\end{figure}" >> ${texfile} [ ${np} -lt `expr ${nPage} - 1` ] && echo "\clearpage" >> ${texfile} done echo "\end{document}" >> ${texfile} [ ! -f ${texfile} ] && echo "failed to create tex file ==> exit" && exit #compile the tex file logfile=${pdfname%.*}.log auxfile=${pdfname%.*}.aux if [ ${isDebug} -eq 1 ]; then pdflatex ${texfile} else pdflatex -interaction=batchmode ${texfile} 1>/dev/null fi [ -f ${logfile} ] && rm -f ${logfile} [ -f ${auxfile} ] && rm -f ${auxfile} [ ${isDel} -eq 1 ] && rm -f ${texfile} |
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