function myice=readgsfcice(fname,fnamemask) % read the binary ice concentration data from gsfc % similar to the fortran version here % data description: % % data : % % mask : % % usage: % myice=readgsfcice(ice_filename, mask_filename) % myice: ranging 0 to 1, land value is nan if the mask file is specified % isMask=1; if nargin<1 help readgsfcice return elseif nargin==2 if ~exist(fnamemask,'file') disp(['mask file not found: ',fnamemask]) isMask=0; end end if nargin==1 isMask=0; end if ~exist(fname,'file') error(['file not found: ',fname]) end % read the data fid=fopen(fname,'r'); % read the header myheader=(char(fread(fid,300,'uchar')))'; nrow=str2num(myheader(13:18)); ncol=str2num(myheader(7:12)); myscale=str2num(myheader(121:126)); %read data block myice=fread(fid,'uint8'); fclose(fid); % read the mask file if isMask==1 fid=fopen(fnamemask,'r'); mymask=fread(fid,'uint8'); fclose(fid); myice(mymask==1)=nan; end myice=reshape(myice,ncol,nrow)/myscale; |
Thursday, September 5, 2013
[MATLAB] read the byte-binary ice concentration data from NSIDC
[Fortran] dump the byte-binary ice concentration data from NSIDC
! @ ! tested on Linux ! convert the byte-binary ice-concentration data file from NSIDC to ascii text format ! data description: ! ! data download: ! program dumpGSFCIce integer, parameter :: lenHeader=300 character(len=40) :: fname, myfmt, txtfname character(len=lenHeader) :: header integer :: numLen, j,fid,npos, nrow, ncol, getnum, myscale,nlen character(len=1),allocatable,dimension(:) :: dblock integer, allocatable,dimension(:) :: myice logical :: isDebug=.false. write(*,*) 'input the bin file name to open:' read(*,'(a)') fname write(*,*) 'input the txt file name to save:' read(*,'(a)') txtfname fid=7 open(fid,file=trim(fname),form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=4*lenHeader) read(fid,rec=1) header close(fid) ncol=getnum(header(7:12)) nrow=getnum(header(13:18)) myscale=getnum(header(121:126)) if (isDebug) then write(*,*) '------------------ begin file header info ------------------------' write(*,'(a20,a)') ' file name: ', header(127:150) write(*,'(a20,a)') ' image title: ', header(151:230) write(*,'(a20,a)') ' year: ', header(103:108) write(*,'(a20,a)') ' julian day: ', header(109:114) write(*,'(a20,a)') ' scale factor: ', header(121:126) write(*,'(a20,a)') ' instrument: ', header(55:60) write(*,'(a20,a)') ' other info: ', header(231:300) write(*,'(a20,i0)')' num of col: ', ncol write(*,'(a20,i0)')' num of row: ', nrow write(*,'(a20,i0)')' scale factor: ', myscale write(*,*) '------------------ end file header info ------------------------' endif ! declaration nlen=ncol*nrow numLen=lenHeader+nlen allocate(dblock(numLen)) allocate(myice(nlen)) open(fid,file=trim(fname),form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=4*numLen) read(fid,rec=1) dblock(:) close(fid) ! convert the 1-byte char to integer npos=lenHeader Do j=1,nlen npos=npos+1 myice(j)=ichar(dblock(npos)) Enddo deallocate(dblock) ! write the file write(myfmt,'(a,i0,a)') '(',ncol,'i4)' open(fid,file=trim(txtfname),form='formatted') write(fid,trim(myfmt)) myice close(fid) deallocate(myice) end program dumpGSFCIce function getnum(instr) character(len=6), intent(in) :: instr character(len=6) :: newstr integer :: getnum integer :: i, n logical :: isnum n=0 Do i=1,6 if (isnum(instr(i:i))) then n=n+1 newstr(n:n)=instr(i:i) endif Enddo if (n==0) then getnum=0 else read(newstr(1:n),*) getnum endif end function getnum function isnum(myc) character(len=1), intent(in) :: myc logical :: isnum isnum=.false. if ( (ichar(myc).ge.ichar('0')) .and. (ichar(myc).le.ichar('9'))) isnum=.true. end function isnum |
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
[Bash] text to html using vim built-in function TOhtml
#!/bin/bash # convert a text file to html using vim built-in function TOhtml # usage: # toHTML text-files # if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then sed -n '3,4p' `which toHTML` exit else for mytxt in $* do if [ -e ${mytxt} ]; then vim -c 'syntax on|TOhtml' -c 'wq|q!' ${mytxt} else echo "${mytxt} is not found" fi done fi |
Friday, May 3, 2013
[Matlab] remove the water bodies in a m_map figure
function m_nolakes(lakeColor) % delete the water bodies patches in figures created by m_map % default lakeColor is white ([1 1 1]) % usage: % m_nolakes(lakeColor) % if nargin==0 lakeColor=[1 1 1]; elseif nargin~=1 help m_nolakes return end gshhstypes={'c','l','i','h','f'}; for nt=1:numel(gshhstypes) eval(['hw=findobj(gcf,''type'',''patch'',''tag'',''m_gshhs_',gshhstypes{nt},''',''facecolor'',lakeColor);']); if ~isempty(hw) delete(hw); end end hw=findobj(gcf,'type','patch','tag','m_coast','facecolor',lakeColor); if ~isempty(hw) delete(hw); end |
Sunday, April 7, 2013
[Bash] extractBib: extract bib items from a source bibtex database for a given tex file
#!/bin/bash # extract bib items from a source bibtex database for a given tex file # usage: # extractBib tex-file bibtex-database output-bibtex-file # e.g., # extractBib mypaper.tex mybibtexdatabase.bib mypaper.bib # function getkeys() { texfile=$1 mykeys=`grep "cite.*{.*}" ${texfile} | sed -e 's/\ //g' | awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF;i++) {if ($i ~ /cite/) {print $i}}}' | sed -e 's/\}/\n/g' | awk -F\{ '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/\,/\n/g' | sed '/^[\ ]*[\ ]*$/d' | sort | uniq | sed '/^\\\\/d' | sed '/:/d'` echo ${mykeys} } if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then texfile=$1; bibfile=$2; outfile=$3 elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then texfile=$1; bibfile=$2; outfile="extractbib_"$1 else echo "usage:" echo " extractBib tex-file bibtex-database output-bibtex-file" exit fi # make sure no overwrite [ -e ${outfile} ] && echo "${outfile} exists alreay! exit" && exit allkeys=`getkeys ${texfile}` if [ ${#allkeys[*]} -ne 0 ]; then touch ${outfile} for eachkey in ${allkeys[*]} do #echo ${eachkey} sed -ne "/${eachkey}/,/^[\ ]*\}$/p" ${bibfile} >> ${outfile} done fi |
Thursday, February 14, 2013
[Matlab] show a normal random heart
% Just for fun, not really useful.... % @ clear; close all; r=0.618; n=10000; re=sqrt(1-r*r); x=normrnd(0,1,n,1); y=x*r+normrnd(0,1,n,1)*re;y(x<0)=-y(x<0); plot(x,y,'o','markerEdgeColor',[1 0 1],'markerFaceColor','none'); axis equal tight off; set(gcf,'MenuBar','none','color','w') |
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