function [hc]=theta_sdiag(theta,s,varargin) % make the t-s plot given temperature and salinity data with ability to show a third field (e.g., density, depth) in color % need sw_dens.m from the seawater package % usage: % hc=theta_sdiag(theta,s,varargin) % varargin: % ['color',value] : if value=1, the density will be shown in color; % otherwise value should be some filed (e.g., depth) with same size as theta/s % ['trange',Trange] : the range of temperature shown on the plot (ylim) % ['srange',Srange] : the range of salinity shown on the plot (xlim) % ['markersize',size-of-marker] : as it tells, the marker size, check scatter for its definition % ['caxis',color-range] : the range of the third field shown in color % e.g., % hc=theta_sdiag(t,s,'color',dep,'caxis',[10 500],'trange',[-2 10],'srange',[31.5 34.8]); % history: % % April 2009: original code by Vihang bhatt % % March 2014: enable to show a thrid field in color and more other options by xianmin ( % if nargin<2 help theta_sdiag return end isColor=0; markerS=16; if nargin>3 while(size(varargin,2)>0) switch lower(varargin{1}) case {'iscolor','color'} if numel(varargin{2})~=1 colorVar=varargin{2}; isColor=2; else isColor=varargin{2}; if isColor==2 error('isColor should not equal 2 if no variable specified for the scatter color') end end varargin(1:2)=[]; case {'dt','deltat'} deltaT=varargin{2};varargin(1:2)=[]; case {'ds','deltas'} deltaS=varargin{2};varargin(1:2)=[]; case {'tmin','mint'} thetamin=varargin{2};varargin(1:2)=[]; case {'tmax','maxt'} thetamax=varargin{2};varargin(1:2)=[]; case {'trange','tlimit','ylim','tlim'} tRange=varargin{2}; thetamax=tRange(2); thetamin=tRange(1); varargin(1:2)=[]; clear tRange case {'smin','mins'} smin=varargin{2};varargin(1:2)=[]; case {'smax','maxs'} smax=varargin{2};varargin(1:2)=[]; case {'srange','slimit','xlim','slim'} sRange=varargin{2}; smax=sRange(2); smin=sRange(1); varargin(1:2)=[]; clear sRange case {'markersize'} markerS=varargin{2};varargin(1:2)=[]; case {'caxis','mycaxis'} myCAXIS=varargin{2};varargin(1:2)=[]; otherwise end end end theta=theta(:); s=s(:); if ~exist('smin','var'), smin=min(s)-0.01.*min(s); end if ~exist('smax','var'), smax=max(s)+0.01.*max(s); end if ~exist('thetamin','var'), thetamin=min(theta)-0.1*max(theta); end if ~exist('thetamax','var'), thetamax=max(theta)+0.1*max(theta); end if ~exist('deltaS','var'), deltaS=0.05; end if ~exist('deltaT','var'), deltaT=0.25; end xdim=round((smax-smin)/deltaS+1); ydim=round((thetamax-thetamin)/deltaT+1); dens=zeros(ydim,xdim); thetai=((1:ydim)-1)*deltaT+thetamin; si=((1:xdim)-1)*deltaS+smin; for j=1:ydim for i=1:xdim dens(j,i)=sw_dens(si(i),thetai(j),0); end end dens=dens-1000; [c,h]=contour(si,thetai,dens,'k'); clabel(c,h,'LabelSpacing',1000); xlabel('Salinity','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',12,'fontname','Nimbus Sans L') ylabel('Theta (^oC)','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',12,'fontname','Nimbus Sans L') set(gca,'fontname','Nimbus Sans L') %% plotting scatter plot of theta and s; hold on; if isColor==1 mydens=sw_dens(s,theta,0)-1000; hc=scatter(s,theta,markerS,mydens,'o','fill'); set(hc,'markeredgecolor','none'); elseif isColor==2 % use the depth as color if ~exist('myCAXIS','var') myCAXIS=[nanmin(colorVar(:)) nanmax(colorVar(:))]; end caxis(myCAXIS); hc=scatter(s,theta,markerS,colorVar(:),'o','fill'); set(hc,'markeredgecolor','none'); else hc=scatter(s,theta,'.'); end if nargout==0 clear hc end |
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
[Matlab] make the t-s diagram with a third field shown in color
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