Friday, January 7, 2011

Write netcdf file using matlab native functions

Check the help page from Mathworks for new version Matlab
Please leave your comments to help improve the code in the future. Your help is greatly appreciated!

function SaveNcVarMatlab(ncfile,ncvar,MagicTag,myValue,myDType)
% to save a variable to a netcdf file using native matlab netcdf-functions
% Usage: SaveNcVarMatlab(nc-filename,nc-varname,MagicTag,myValue,[myDType])
% e.g.,
% 1: to save a 4D data
%     SaveNcVarMatlab('','tmask',{'t','z','y','x'},4D-data,'float');
%     if the nc-file exist, the code will try to append data to old
%     file as long as the dimensions of input data is consistent
%     with existing one. If necessary, new dimensions will be added
%     automatically.
% 2: to add an attribute to an variable in existing nc file
%     SaveNcVarMatlab('','tmask','att','long_name','mask at t-point')
%     Will overwrite existing one automatically. If no value set to
%     the attribute, the code will try to delete that attribute.
% 3: add/delete a global attribute, similar to the second example
%     but won't use ncvar here.
% Note:
%    Overwriting an existing variable is possible but disabled in
%    this version. Also unlimited dimension is not considered
%    here.
% copyright @
% ref: matlab netcdf help

if nargin<4 help SaveNcVarMatlab; return; end

if iscell(MagicTag)
    if nargin~=5
        help SaveNcVarMatlab
elseif ischar(MagicTag)
    if ischar(myValue)
       tmpstr=myValue; clear myValue; clear tmpstr
       if nargin==5
    elseif isstruct(myValue)
       if ~isfield(myValue,'name')
           help SaveNcVarMatlab;
           if ~isfield(myValue,'value')
              if nargin==5
    elseif ~isstruct(myValue)
        disp('Not valid value for myValue.')
        help SaveNcVarMatlab

% to support my work, please keep the "creator" global attribute
mycreatorstr='SaveNcVarMatlab.m from';

if iscell(MagicTag) % add values
  if length(MagicTag)==1

  if IsAppend
     for nd=1:length(MagicTag)
        if sum(ismember(OldNC.dimname,MagicTag{nd}))==0
           if OldNC.dimlen(dim_loc)~=vardiminput(nd)
              disp(['The length of input dimension ',MagicTag{nd},' is not the same as the exist one'])
              % should consider unlimite dimension in the future
     for nd=1:length(MagicTag){nd}=MagicTag{nd};
  if IsOldVar
     % support overwrite???
     netcdf.abort(ncfid); return
     if IsAppend netcdf.reDef(ncfid); end
     % define some new dimension
     for nd=1:length(
         if myDim.IsNew(nd)

elseif ischar(MagicTag)
  if IsAppend
     switch lower(MagicTag)
       case {'a','attribute','var_attribute','vatt','att'}
         if IsOldVar
            if isfield(OldVar,'attname')
               if ~isstruct(myValue) %delete attribute
                   if sum(ismember(OldVar.attname,myValue))==1
                       disp(['attribute: ',myValue,' not exist. Nothing is done'])
                       netcdf.abort(ncfid); return;
                  if sum(ismember(OldVar.attname,
                     if isempty(myValue.value)
                        % overwrite old one automatically
                     %new attribute
                     if ~isempty(myValue.value)
              %new attribute
              if ~isempty(myValue.value)
            disp(['var: ',ncvar,' isn''t exist in ',ncfile]);
       case {'ga','global_attribute','gatt'}
         if ~isstruct(myValue)
             if isfield(OldNC,'attname')
                if sum(ismember(OldNC.attname,myValue))==1
                   disp(['attribute: ',myValue,' not exist. Nothing is done'])
                   netcdf.abort(ncfid); return;
                disp('No global attributes available.')
                netcdf.abort(ncfid); return;
            if isfield(OldNC,'attname')
               if sum(ismember(OldNC.attname,
                  if ~isempty(myValue.value)
                  %new global attribute
                  if ~isempty(myValue.value)
               % also new global attribute
               if ~isempty(myValue.value)
                  netcdf.abort(ncfid); return;
           disp(['Not defined attribute type: MagicTag: ',MagicTag])
           netcdf.abort(ncfid); return;
     disp([ncfile,' dos not exist, global attribute can''t be added.'])
  disp('Not valid value for MagicTag')

%close the file

function [ncfid,IsAppend,OldNC,IsOldVar,OldVar]=CheckNCExist(ncfile,ncvar)
  IsAppend=0; IsOldVar=0;
  if exist(ncfile,'file')
     disp([ncfile,' already exist, try the append mode']);

  % Open the nc file
  if IsAppend,'NC_WRITE');
     [OldNC.numdims, OldNC.numvars, OldNC.numGAtt, unlimdimID] = netcdf.inq(ncfid);
     for NDim=1:OldNC.numdims
        [OldNC.dimname{NDim}, OldNC.dimlen(NDim)] = netcdf.inqDim(ncfid,NDim-1);
     for NVar=1:OldNC.numvars
        [tmpvarname, tmpvarxtype,tmpvardims, tmpvarnumatts] = netcdf.inqVar(ncfid,NVar-1);
        if strcmp(tmpvarname,ncvar)
     if IsOldVar==0 OldVar=nan; end
     OldNC=nan; OldVar=nan;

function OldVar=GetVAtts(ncfid,OldVar)
  for numA=1:OldVar.numatts
      % OldVar.attid(numA)=netcdf.inqAttID(ncfid,varid,OldVar.attname{numA});
function OldNC=GetGAtts(ncfid,OldNC)
  for numA=1:OldNC.numGAtt
      OldNC.attname{numA}= netcdf.inqAttName(ncfid,netcdf.getConstant('NC_GLOBAL'),numA-1);

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